ETC Ukraine Sitrep #6 - 19 May 2022

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  • As of 18 May, the ETC is providing secure internet connectivity services to 129 staff from 10 humanitarian organisations, including UN agencies and INGOs, in two interagency workspaces in Dnipro and Lviv.

  • On 13 May, the ETC extended secure internet connectivity services to cover a humanitarian workspace on an additional floor of the building in Lviv, to protect humanitarians’ data from cyber threats.

  • On 27 April, the ETC deployed a cybersecurity solution designed by its partner Cisco Crisis Response at the interagency humanitarian workspace in Dnipro. The ETC secure network in Dnipro is now connected to a dedicated fibre-optic network from the local ISP, offering a faster and more secure connection for humanitarian responders.