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Private Sector


Through partnering with the ETC, Private Sector companies can leverage their knowledge, influence and expertise to improve - and save - lives across the globe. 

Private sector partners collaborate with the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) on unique initiatives which bring together their business strategy and the ETC mission of ensuring all those responding to humanitarian emergencies have access to vital communications.

Companies also support the ETC with in-kind donations, cash donations and stand-by capacity. 

Partnering with the ETC

The ETC looks to established defined, transparent and mutually-beneficial partnerships with private sector organisations that have a genuine desire to support humanitarian operations. 

Organisations support the ETC in a number of different ways, and for a wide variety of reasons, including, to: 

  • Complement the redevelopment and recovery of the communities in which they operate
  • Protect their customer base and supply chains
  • Support market recovery, stabilizing local economies
  • Safeguard and develop human capital
  • Engage staff and foster employee satisfaction
  • Reinforce reputation and brand. 

Organisations support the ETC in a wide range of areas including:

  • Expertise, knowledge and capacity building
  • Research and design of enhanced technologies for field deployment
  • Analysis, design and implementation of the ETC2020 environment
  • Advocacy and outreach. 

The ETC calls upon the support of a wide range of partners to achieve its ETC2020 objective, ensuring all those responding to emergencies have access to vital communications services, transforming aid delivery and resulting in more lives saved.

For more information on partnering with the ETC, contact: