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Non-Governmental Organizations


Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) work with the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) to enable provision of essential communications services in emergencies.

NGOs contribute to the shaping of its future vision, to the definition and provision of services in the field, and actively support the ETC with resources and expertise. Ultimately, these efforts will increase cost-effectiveness of ETC services, by expanding utilization in the field, and contribute to the shaping of a humanitarian IT community. 

Engagement with the ETC gives NGOs stronger ownership of the cluster. 

NGO Engagement

In 2014 the ETC established an NGO-Engagement Strategy to strengthen collaboration between UN and NGO communities at a global level to enable more effective humanitarian emergency response as well as drive implementation of the ETC2020 strategy.


"To strengthen, ensure broader and more inclusive partnership and collaboration with humanitarian NGOs, both at global and local levels – with an overarching humanitarian objective: to deliver to the people in need comprehensive humanitarian assistance, by leveraging mandates, expertise and resources available through the widest-possible range of partners including NGOs"

NGOs can engage with the ETC through:

  • Involvement in ETC operations during humanitarian emergencies
  • Engagement at the global level through formal membership of the cluster
  • Supporting the implementation of the NGO-Engagement strategy

ETC NGO Members
